We designed the roll cage to meet the customers requirements ensuring it would meet everything they needed.
Once the roll cage was fully designed in CAD, we generated drawings of the models and had the mounts and sheet metal parts cut using the Plasma and then bent them using the pressbrake.
The roll cage was manufactured using the drawings created from the CAD design.

Once the roll cage was fully built and the body was reassembled around the case, the dashboard was fully stripped back to its steel components. By doing this, it allowed us to modify all the components to make the whole dashboard narrower in order to clear the internal roll cage all while keeping the factory look.
We took on this project as a restorative project for the customer.
To start with we measured the chassis and body work and then created a CAD model in order to design the roll cage making sure it would fit correctly.
We began the build by disassembling the vehicle down to the chassis and dry fitting all the components before welding it permanently together. This allowed us to ensure no mistakes were made during the design and build.
We did this multiple times to ensure the fit was correct.
Throughout the design and build, we made form and function our top priority without compromising on weight. The mounts had excess material removed to reduce weight and this process followed throughout the design.